Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Jing Graphic

I thought it was really cool to use jing and it was really easy to figure out.  I usually just have a blank picture of the animal cell and expect my students to fill it out by using notes or by using their books.  After using jing it gave me the idea to take the boring old blank animal cell and capture the image and add in arrows to the cell parts I feel are the most important for my students to learn.  I also would use this jing to allow my students to create and fill out their own plant and animal cells instead of filling it out the boring way.

I have added the link Here to show you what I did with the boring old blank animal cell that I found on the web. This file can also be found Here at.

I feel this assignment is a great way to model digital-age work and learning.  I really had to develop what I wanted my students to understand and take from this learning tool as well the content I am teaching.  I will be able to accomplish this by using jing by transferring my knowledge to a new situation I have never used.  The standard closely related is ISTE NETS T # 3.  Since I have learned how to snip images and use jing, I have two new ways to copy and paste images in a more efficient and creative way then just clicking copy and paste.

The link below is where I found the boring old printable version of an animal cell.


Monday, August 29, 2011

Picasso Head

I really enjoyed making the Picasso head.  I would use this tool in my class because my students get to be creative and it something I know my students have never used before.   To be honest the only problem I had with the Picasso head was that I wish there was variety for hair since I am kind of balding and there really wasn't a hair style that matched me. It was still really fun to do though!

I think the standard from the ISTE NETS T that closely relates to the Picasso head assignment is standard number 2.  I feel standard number two closely relates to this assignment because it allows students to be creative, develops relevant learning experiences, it allows them to explore their own curiosities, being able to customize and personalize their own learning, and the biggest one for me is that the students become active participants in setting their own educational goals. 


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Snipping Tool

 I chose to use the Punnet Square Image because I am a Biology teacher and this snipped image would allow me to present a color visual for my LD students.  I will also allow me to brush up on how to use a punnet square as well.  I believe the snipping tool is closely related to standard number 2 in the ISTE NTES T. Because we as educators are always designing and developing authentic learning experiences and assessments for our students to use.  I also feel it relates because we are adapting our learning experiences and incorporating technology that will allow our students to be creative and most likely they will be more inclined to pay attention and want to learn in our classes.

Another reason for me personally because I am a special education teacher would be that it relates to this standard because by using this we can reach all of our students regardless of their learning styles, behaviors, working strategies, and overall use of technology which may or may not be strong. I think it will also be fun for my students to learn how to use to help remind them of what they are trying to learn as well.

I also have found another link that would be good to add here on Punnet Squares because the link may explain the concept of a punnet square in more detail or in fewer words than I would describe it.  You can also use this link on Punnet Squares  that deals with probability of inheritance for a little extra knowledge or if interested in this content.


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Readings #1

I found the first reading on Technological Pedagogical  Content Knowledge: A Framework for Teacher Knowledge to be very interesting and really helpful to me as a teacher.  One of the reasons this reading was helpful is because as a teacher I feel like I spend more time trying to figure out how to incorporate technology into my classroom than I do trying to learn how to use the technology myself.  Content knowledge according to the readings is all teachers are usually expected to master before they can teach the area that they are certified in.  For me this reading has opened my eyes to how important technology is to not only me as a teacher but for my students as well. I also found another link you can use to find some information on this topic at TPCK Framework. Another link you might want to use to research the first reading a little bit more is TPCK 2.
I felt like the Design experiments are really important to understanding how to use technological pedagogical content knowledge in our classrooms.  I really liked how the authors used design experiments as a research methodology, by emphasizing the detailed implementation and the study of interventions with evolving pedagogical goals in rich authentic settings.  To me this means I can try design experiments in my own classroom because it is an authentic setting where I can use my content knowledge as well the knowledge I have in using technology.

I believe that the TPCK framework is the key in being used as a design pedagogical strategies that can help with studying the changes in educators knowledge about successful teaching with technology.  I took this right from the Conclusion page of the reading because I feel this statement is what we as teachers should be focusing in on when it comes to using technology in our content areas.  I also feel that this article can help with future research and curriculum development work in the area of teacher education and teacher professional development around technology.  Again, I got this statement from the Conclusion page of the reading and it really spoke to me in terms of how we as teachers need to spend more time learning how to use technology to incorporate it in our classrooms.
For the first reading I feel that ISTE NETS T standard that is closely related would be standard number five because it deals with Engaging in Professional Growth and Leadership.  I believe that standard number five goes along with this article because it has to do with participating in local and global communities to explore creative applications of technology to improve student learning.  Keeping our students engaged while they are in our classrooms is a key in improving learning and incorporating technology can only help foster this engagement needed in our classrooms.  Another reason this standard is closest is because you want to be able to exhibit leadership by demonstrating a vision of technology infusion in your classroom as well as developing the leadership and technology skills of others.  The whole article talks about incorporating technology into your content knowledge, so the ultimate goal is to be a leader in the field of technology skills that you can help others use and add to their teaching styles.


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Diigo Instructional Technology Part 1

1. The three steps recommended for social bookmarking were to use it for research, keeping up with friends or those people who have the same interests as you do, and it used for knowledge and the ability to share with others on the web.

2. The difference in social bookmarking 2.0 and the previous stage of web bookmarking is that in 2.0 is a more powerful tool that can be used as a research tool as well.  It is also different in that it is a knowledge sharing tool that allows you to highlight things you think are important on a specific web page that you want to share with others to use. Previous web bookmarking did not allow you to do the things that Diigo allows you to share information and knowledge while bringing a community together to learn and grow in their use of technology.

3.  Social bookmarking is a great tool that allows you to save web pages that you believe are useful to not only you but for others as well.  The biggest advantage I have seen so fare with social bookmarking is that you can highlight and add comments while you are reading something from a web page.  Another advantage is that you can tag all the web pages that you feel are important to you and to your teaching style or just research in general.  I call tagging an advantage because I think it is great that you can just check what  I have tagged and you can go directly to what I was reading or researching and it might be something that interests someone else along the line. I found the three answers by watching the Diigo Film that is a tutorial for Diigo social networking.

I feel that social bookmarking follows along with standard one in the ISTE NETS T standards because social bookmarking is all about using research, as teachers we want to engage our students in exploring real world issues and solving authentic problems by using technology tools for research and as resources. Standard one follows along with engaging our students and having them use digital tools that will allow them access to work through real world issues and authentic problems.
As a teacher I can use social bookmarking with my students by adding web pages I feel will help them answer those real world issues and authentic problems that they will encounter throughout their lives. I found my standards through the ISTE NETS T, Course Activities Page , and the

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Diigo Instructional Technology

1. I learned that a browser add on is extremely cool and is really helpful when you want to highlight or sticky note something that you were reading and it was interesting and you felt like you should keep it around.  I also found out that I can put bookmarks of resources I like through the Diigo toolbar and share those with other people as well.  This is the first time I have dealt with something like this and it was kind of hard at first but I think I am getting it. By using Web 2.0 I really got a feel for what Diigo was all about and if you have never used Diigo before then you should check out web 2.0.

2. They are useful in the fact that I can look up things a lot quicker and a browser add on seems to keep me organized which I tend to have problems with. The only web browser I am currently using is the Diigolet through firefox.  I found a lot of information for web 2.0 and Diigo through Diigo and Google as well as the Diigo Film.

3. My experience with add-ons is very limited I have never really learned how to use them until this class so I am learning something new and to be honest I am overwhelmed right now but I push myself to learn new things and I am going to continue to do that so I can grow a be a better technology user as well.

4. I have done plenty of installations and so far this has been the smoothest one I have ever done and I was surprised because I expected it to be harder with a lot more steps involved then what there was.  Overall it was really easy and I think that is great.

5. I feel that the standard in the ISTE NETS T closely relates to number 2 because we as educators are always designing and developing authentic learning experiences and assessments for our students to use.  I also feel it relates because we are adapting our learning experiences and incorporating technology that will allow our students to be creative and most likely they will be more inclined to pay attention and want to learn in our classes.  Another reason for me personally because I am a special education teacher would be that it relates to this standard because by using this we can reach all of our students regardless of their learning styles, behaviors, working strategies, and overall use of technology which may or may not be strong. I think it also matches this standard because it allowed me to add what I thought was useful in the classroom as well as what I can now share with my colleagues at work.


G-mail account

I was so pumped on how easy a gmail account was to set up!  I mean I have been through so many set ups that were hard and really just nothing I would ever use again but I am pleased about my gmail account.  I set mine up this summer at a technology workshop and I really enjoy it my nameis rburkhart91@gmail.com if anyone wants to chat or needs help with anything!


Syllabus reading

I read the syllabus the last couple of days and it seems lengthy but I enoy a challenge and I am really looking forward to this class to help brush up my technology skills! I also appreciate the heads up of what is supposed to be full filled for this class.
