Monday, November 28, 2011

APA NCES NAEP Assignment

In this activity we were asked to run descriptive data on NAEP results from an excel spread sheet.  We first had to go to the NCES NAEP Site to be able to download the excel spread sheet that contained the data needed to complete this assignment.  It was all documented through (NAEP) National Assessment of Educational Progress and (NCES) National Center for Education Statistics.  To go and see all state  comparisons in any subject go NCES.  If you want to download the stats that we had to do for this assignment go here.

After I selected the criteria of 8th grade, Mathematics, the gender spread sheet showed up and I was able to work on what I needed to do for the assignment.. From there I uploaded it to excel so I could work with the data. I then had to highlight all the information that I needed to produce where WV was compared to all of the other states.  I was also able to scroll down the student's overall score to determine the average of 283.

The next step I had to do was conduct a t-test on who was smarter between the males and females.  From there I was able to see if there was a significant difference between the male and female scores on the 8th grade math test.  I feel more confident that I reported my findings more properly this time around compared to the last APA assignment. To help accomplish this I went to Paired Samples to help provide a reference on what I needed to do to report my findings.  Here is a picture of what I did to find my information.

This activity goes with standard #5: Participate in Professional Growth and Leadership. This standard is where we as educators can dive into data and statistics to help students improve their learning through technology. I feel it is this standard because we are exhibiting leadership by demonstrating technology infusion, by participating in shared decision making and community building, and developing the leadership and and technology skill of others.  To see more examples of standard number 5 go to ISTE NETS T

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