Monday, November 28, 2011

APA NCES NAEP Assignment

In this activity we were asked to run descriptive data on NAEP results from an excel spread sheet.  We first had to go to the NCES NAEP Site to be able to download the excel spread sheet that contained the data needed to complete this assignment.  It was all documented through (NAEP) National Assessment of Educational Progress and (NCES) National Center for Education Statistics.  To go and see all state  comparisons in any subject go NCES.  If you want to download the stats that we had to do for this assignment go here.

After I selected the criteria of 8th grade, Mathematics, the gender spread sheet showed up and I was able to work on what I needed to do for the assignment.. From there I uploaded it to excel so I could work with the data. I then had to highlight all the information that I needed to produce where WV was compared to all of the other states.  I was also able to scroll down the student's overall score to determine the average of 283.

The next step I had to do was conduct a t-test on who was smarter between the males and females.  From there I was able to see if there was a significant difference between the male and female scores on the 8th grade math test.  I feel more confident that I reported my findings more properly this time around compared to the last APA assignment. To help accomplish this I went to Paired Samples to help provide a reference on what I needed to do to report my findings.  Here is a picture of what I did to find my information.

This activity goes with standard #5: Participate in Professional Growth and Leadership. This standard is where we as educators can dive into data and statistics to help students improve their learning through technology. I feel it is this standard because we are exhibiting leadership by demonstrating technology infusion, by participating in shared decision making and community building, and developing the leadership and and technology skill of others.  To see more examples of standard number 5 go to ISTE NETS T

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Saving A YouTube Video To Your Computer

I didn't have to setup a you tube account because I already did that when we had the one assignment where we had to download a you tube video into a googl doc presentation.  I must have done it at that point because I tried to figure out where to sign up and kept putting me to my you tube account.

Saving a you tube video was kind of hard at first because I think I was overlooking what I had to do to upload a you tube video.  After posing a discussion question I was quickly answered and I figured it out right away with all the great advice that I was given.  I decided to save it into real player as well as a google doc so I could put it into my blog.  I really want to play guitar since I am a huge metal and rock fan so I chose to pick a video on learning how to play guitar to get me started.  Here is the original link to the you tube video that I chose How To Play Guitar.  To the side is the video that I downloaded from you tube on how to play guitar for beginners.

To see how I downloaded my video go to this link to see the picture that I captured of me choosing the video I wanted for this assignment it isYou Tube Video Picture.   After I uploaded my video I then went back to my you tube account and clicked on the link that it gave me since I downloaded it from somewhere else.  The link to my video is now right here My You Tube Video.

This assignment goes along with standard number one because it facilitates and inspires student learning and creativity.  This is a great tool for students to explore when doing an assignment that they can connect a you tube video that goes along with the content that I am teaching in Biology class.  They would be learning how to use technology appropriately and it would inspire them to be more creative as it has for me since I have been doing the assignments required for this class.  To read more on standard number one go to ISTE NETS T.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

APA Action Research Report

I have used APA guidelines before to write a research report for another education class through FSU.  I was still a little frustrated because it has been a while since I have written in this format.  The biggest trouble I have had was with converting my APA Action Research  Project from a word document into a google doc.  I think the links we were given were really helpful since I haven't written on APA format in a while.  I went to Purdue EDU to brush up on writing in APA format. 

Why this was still a stressful assignment I am really glad that we got to use APA in this class because it is always good to know how to type up a proper research paper.  I am pretty sure that I typed the correct parts that were required for this assignment.  I'm not real sure if I did the tables correctly in APA format, I have never put in tables for and APA formatted assignment.  I understood my results and found that my hypothesis was correct as well as my null hypothesis.  To understand the tables in APA format I went to Purdue EDU Tables

The APA Action Research Project best matches up with standard #5. The assignment we did really goes hand-in-hand with professional growth. The APA Action Research Project incorporated technology tools, student data, self-reflection, and self-growth. By doing this activity it really opened my eyes and allowed me to think about how I could change my teaching style to help benefit all students regardless of their individual learning needs.  I also think that it is great that I got to use a different tech tool that I can share with my colleagues at work.  To read more about standard number 5 go to ISTE NETS T.

I have provided the three links that are within my blog at the bottom as well just in case they aren't working within the blog for some reason.  Link 1 is Purdue EDU, Link 2 is Purdue EDU Tables, and Link 3 is ISTE NETS T.

Link 1
Link 2
Link 3

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

T Test and Data

This is my example of a  T-test for Gender and Blog Posts data look Here

This is my example of a T-test for Gender and Millennial Age data take a look Here

The next thing I want to share is the completed charts for our assignment.


The data for the top two charts, is what Dr. Pierce asked us to see if there was an impact between Chrome and IE on scores?  The top data chart indicated that these two had the least amount of impact on scores.

My original research question, hypothesis, and null hypothesis are:

Research Questions:
1. Why are the blog posts more for males than females considering there are fewer males in the class?
2. Why aren't the blog posts more for the females considering there are more females in the class?

1. Males have more blogs even though there a fewer because their millennial age score is lower.
2. Females have less blogs because their millennial age score is higher.

Null Hypothesis:
The Number of discussion postings is not dependent on how many males and females are in the class.

Independent Variable: Gender (sex)

Dependent Variables: Blog Posts and Millennial Age Score

Millennial Info.:
The females according to this data are considered to be Millennial because their Millennial Score was 73 or higher than 63%.  The males according to the data are also considered to be Millennial because the Millennial Score was 73 or higher than 42%.

Blog Posts
The first thing I did while trying to obtain the data I needed for my research was that I ran descriptive data for only the blog posts data.  By doing this I was able to find out the Median was 15, and from there I was able to formulate those who had 8 blog posts or higher and the Millennial score being 73 because of the 8 or more blog posts.  After finding this I was able to find those who had more blog posts and if there Millennial score was less than 73.  The next thing I did was broke it down between male and female due to the hypothesis I was using.  I feel the theory held true but my findings suggests that there is only one female that has 8 blog posts compared to 29 other male and female students who have 13 or more blog posts.  The males blog posting percentage was right around 43% where as the female blog posting was 59%.

I think my hypothesis was more true with a mix of male and female posting more than 8 blogs.  So females have less blog postings because their millennial score is higher than the males.  The males have more blog postings because their millennial score is lower than the females.

Regarding my null hypothesis I still believe it holds true because male blog posts are more than blog posts for females.

 This entire activity relates to standard number 5.  Because we were engaging in professional growth and leadership and in my case I do not always use Excel so it was something that I have grown to understand a little better.  I feel that T-test are a perfect example of standard 5 and we as teachers should learn how to use it because we can now test multiple variables instead of one.  I also think it relates to standard 5 because it is a tool that I am not familiar with and it engaged me in professional growth in terms of getting to know different tools to use for myself and for my classroom.  To see more of standard 5 go to ISTE NETS T.



Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Data Anayliss/Research Question And Hypothesis

Using the data that we were given I have came up with my research questions, hypothesis, and null hypothesis.

Research Questions:
1. Why are the blog posts more for males than females considering there are fewer males in the class?
2. Why aren't the blog posts more for the females considering there are more females in the class?

1. Males have more blogs even though there a fewer because their millennial age score is lower.
2. Females have less blogs because their millennial age score is higher.

Null Hypothesis:
The Number of discussion postings is not dependent on how many males and females are in the class.

With the data we were  given our age and gender would be considered as the Independent Variables. The Discussion Posts, Millennial Age, Blog Posts, Personality, Fake Quiz, Browser, and Teaching/Non Teaching would be the Dependent Variables.

I got my information by sorting it into two groups; male and female. After I did this I went to each subgroup and found the averages of each of those subgroups.  I wrote down all of the information so that I could formulate my research questions and hypothesis.

Females: 22 total
D posts: 15.64
Mill Age:  72.73
Age: 31.82
B Posts: 15
Personality: = 13.6% for the following personality types/ ISFP, ISFJ, INFP, INFJ, ESFJ
T/ NOT T: 72.73% are teaching
Quiz: 74.59%
Browser: Internet Explorer

Males: 7 total
D. Posts:=16.57
Mill Age: 69.57
Age: 33.29
B Posts: 16.86
Personality: ESFJ = 28.5%
T/NT= 4/7 teaching =57.15%
Quiz: 79%
Browser: S =28.5%
              IE =28.5%
              FF = 28.5%

The standard that best fits this assignment would be standard number 5.  I think it is this standard because we are engaging in professional growth and leadership.  We are also continuously improving professional practice, modeling lifelong learning, and exhibiting leadership in school and professional community by promoting and demonstrating effective use of digital tools and resources.  To see more on this standards and others go to ISTE NETS T.

I have added the ISTE NETS T Link at the bottom.


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Excel Activity And Data

For this assignment I downloaded the data that was compiled from the midterm we took by using excel.  After downloading the data we were supposed to take the text values and convert them to discrete numerical values.  By using discrete numerical values you are able to put those values into ascending and descending order, by doing this I will be able to compare my data with the rest of the class.  I have not used excel that much and so far this is pretty nerve racking for me.  I know I need to be able to use excel but it is a challenge right now for me.  To find more out on a discrete numerical value is go to Discrete Numerical Value.  

The standard that closely relates to this assignment is standard number 3 because we are modeling digital age work and learning.  To read more about standard number 3 go to ISTE NETS T.

I added the two links that I used for this blog at the bottom.  Link 1 is discrete numerical order and Link 2 ISTE NETS T.

Link 1 
Link 2

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Research Overview

Over the next couple of days we are going to take a look at some data from our class.  We are going to put this data into MS Excel and choose what data we are going to use for our research project.  I really like how Dr. Pierce point out that West Virginia is almost dead last in so many categories is really sad to me. To check out the research overview go to Research Overview.  For us to be able to understand this better we need to first find a causal relationship between many of the contributing factors that have hurt West Virginia and put us nearly dead last.  To be able to do this we must first install the Analysis ToolPak.  To do so we need to go to Analysis ToolPak.  The Analyses ToolPak takes you too the EXCEL add-in menu bar and basically from there it gives you step-by-step instructions on how you use incorporate it into Excel.

The standard that closely relates to this assignment is standard number three.  I believe it relates to standard number three because we as teachers are modeling digital age work and learning by participating in a research project, using Microsoft Excel, and discussing our findings through a classroom discussion via the internet. To read more of standard number three go to ISTE NETS T.

I have added the research overview, analysis toolpak, and ISTE NETS T.

Link 1
Link 2
Link 3