Wednesday, October 26, 2011

T Test and Data

This is my example of a  T-test for Gender and Blog Posts data look Here

This is my example of a T-test for Gender and Millennial Age data take a look Here

The next thing I want to share is the completed charts for our assignment.


The data for the top two charts, is what Dr. Pierce asked us to see if there was an impact between Chrome and IE on scores?  The top data chart indicated that these two had the least amount of impact on scores.

My original research question, hypothesis, and null hypothesis are:

Research Questions:
1. Why are the blog posts more for males than females considering there are fewer males in the class?
2. Why aren't the blog posts more for the females considering there are more females in the class?

1. Males have more blogs even though there a fewer because their millennial age score is lower.
2. Females have less blogs because their millennial age score is higher.

Null Hypothesis:
The Number of discussion postings is not dependent on how many males and females are in the class.

Independent Variable: Gender (sex)

Dependent Variables: Blog Posts and Millennial Age Score

Millennial Info.:
The females according to this data are considered to be Millennial because their Millennial Score was 73 or higher than 63%.  The males according to the data are also considered to be Millennial because the Millennial Score was 73 or higher than 42%.

Blog Posts
The first thing I did while trying to obtain the data I needed for my research was that I ran descriptive data for only the blog posts data.  By doing this I was able to find out the Median was 15, and from there I was able to formulate those who had 8 blog posts or higher and the Millennial score being 73 because of the 8 or more blog posts.  After finding this I was able to find those who had more blog posts and if there Millennial score was less than 73.  The next thing I did was broke it down between male and female due to the hypothesis I was using.  I feel the theory held true but my findings suggests that there is only one female that has 8 blog posts compared to 29 other male and female students who have 13 or more blog posts.  The males blog posting percentage was right around 43% where as the female blog posting was 59%.

I think my hypothesis was more true with a mix of male and female posting more than 8 blogs.  So females have less blog postings because their millennial score is higher than the males.  The males have more blog postings because their millennial score is lower than the females.

Regarding my null hypothesis I still believe it holds true because male blog posts are more than blog posts for females.

 This entire activity relates to standard number 5.  Because we were engaging in professional growth and leadership and in my case I do not always use Excel so it was something that I have grown to understand a little better.  I feel that T-test are a perfect example of standard 5 and we as teachers should learn how to use it because we can now test multiple variables instead of one.  I also think it relates to standard 5 because it is a tool that I am not familiar with and it engaged me in professional growth in terms of getting to know different tools to use for myself and for my classroom.  To see more of standard 5 go to ISTE NETS T.



Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Data Anayliss/Research Question And Hypothesis

Using the data that we were given I have came up with my research questions, hypothesis, and null hypothesis.

Research Questions:
1. Why are the blog posts more for males than females considering there are fewer males in the class?
2. Why aren't the blog posts more for the females considering there are more females in the class?

1. Males have more blogs even though there a fewer because their millennial age score is lower.
2. Females have less blogs because their millennial age score is higher.

Null Hypothesis:
The Number of discussion postings is not dependent on how many males and females are in the class.

With the data we were  given our age and gender would be considered as the Independent Variables. The Discussion Posts, Millennial Age, Blog Posts, Personality, Fake Quiz, Browser, and Teaching/Non Teaching would be the Dependent Variables.

I got my information by sorting it into two groups; male and female. After I did this I went to each subgroup and found the averages of each of those subgroups.  I wrote down all of the information so that I could formulate my research questions and hypothesis.

Females: 22 total
D posts: 15.64
Mill Age:  72.73
Age: 31.82
B Posts: 15
Personality: = 13.6% for the following personality types/ ISFP, ISFJ, INFP, INFJ, ESFJ
T/ NOT T: 72.73% are teaching
Quiz: 74.59%
Browser: Internet Explorer

Males: 7 total
D. Posts:=16.57
Mill Age: 69.57
Age: 33.29
B Posts: 16.86
Personality: ESFJ = 28.5%
T/NT= 4/7 teaching =57.15%
Quiz: 79%
Browser: S =28.5%
              IE =28.5%
              FF = 28.5%

The standard that best fits this assignment would be standard number 5.  I think it is this standard because we are engaging in professional growth and leadership.  We are also continuously improving professional practice, modeling lifelong learning, and exhibiting leadership in school and professional community by promoting and demonstrating effective use of digital tools and resources.  To see more on this standards and others go to ISTE NETS T.

I have added the ISTE NETS T Link at the bottom.


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Excel Activity And Data

For this assignment I downloaded the data that was compiled from the midterm we took by using excel.  After downloading the data we were supposed to take the text values and convert them to discrete numerical values.  By using discrete numerical values you are able to put those values into ascending and descending order, by doing this I will be able to compare my data with the rest of the class.  I have not used excel that much and so far this is pretty nerve racking for me.  I know I need to be able to use excel but it is a challenge right now for me.  To find more out on a discrete numerical value is go to Discrete Numerical Value.  

The standard that closely relates to this assignment is standard number 3 because we are modeling digital age work and learning.  To read more about standard number 3 go to ISTE NETS T.

I added the two links that I used for this blog at the bottom.  Link 1 is discrete numerical order and Link 2 ISTE NETS T.

Link 1 
Link 2

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Research Overview

Over the next couple of days we are going to take a look at some data from our class.  We are going to put this data into MS Excel and choose what data we are going to use for our research project.  I really like how Dr. Pierce point out that West Virginia is almost dead last in so many categories is really sad to me. To check out the research overview go to Research Overview.  For us to be able to understand this better we need to first find a causal relationship between many of the contributing factors that have hurt West Virginia and put us nearly dead last.  To be able to do this we must first install the Analysis ToolPak.  To do so we need to go to Analysis ToolPak.  The Analyses ToolPak takes you too the EXCEL add-in menu bar and basically from there it gives you step-by-step instructions on how you use incorporate it into Excel.

The standard that closely relates to this assignment is standard number three.  I believe it relates to standard number three because we as teachers are modeling digital age work and learning by participating in a research project, using Microsoft Excel, and discussing our findings through a classroom discussion via the internet. To read more of standard number three go to ISTE NETS T.

I have added the research overview, analysis toolpak, and ISTE NETS T.

Link 1
Link 2
Link 3

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Midterm Self-Assessment

I think that I am doing really well at the midway point of the semester.  I have never had so many assignments where I was so pressed for time to get it done.  Since I know there is assignments that have to be due at a certain time I have been working hard to get them done when they need to be.  I am really proud of myself because I tend to put things off and do it when I feel like it but this class has helped me focus on getting it done and not playing around.  I thought the self-assessment was a great way to reflect on everything I have done to this point in the class.  To check out the self-assessment go to Midterm Self-Assessment.  I like survey quizzes and think it would be cool to use in my class.

I feel the standard that applies to the self-assessment would be standard number 2 because it reflects digital age learning and assessments. To read more of standard number 2 and the other standards go to ISTE NETS T

The two links I have added are the ISTE NETS T and the Midterm Self-Assessments.

Link 1
Link 2

Friday, October 14, 2011

Pew Millennial Quiz

The millennial quiz wasn't really hard but I felt that there were some answers that I could have answered both ways.  So I decided to stay true to who I am and answered like I would have if these questions were asked in a small group discussion.  To take the millennial quiz go to Pew Millennial Quiz.  It is not a hard quiz to take and it makes you think a little so it is worth checking out if you haven't taken it.  I think this quiz was worth taking because it shows you were you are in terms of other generations that have taken the quiz.  I would have my students take this quiz and see where they score at compared to other generations as well as my score.

I think the standard for this assignment would be standard number five.  I think this standard fits because as teachers we are supposed to continuously improve professional practice, model lifelong learning, and exhibit leadership in our schools and professional community by promoting and demonstrating the effective use of digital tools and resources.  This applies to pew millennial quiz because it is something we can show our students as well as parents how to take and it will give them results on how millennial they are compared to other generations.  To read more of standard number five go to ISTE NETS T.

At the bottom I have added the Pew Millennial Quiz, and the ISTE NETS T Standards.

Link 1
Link 2

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Personality Blog Post #2

I was impressed that I was pretty close to the personality type that I picked out before I took the actual personality test.  In my first blog post I blogged that I was a ESFP and after taking the personality test it revealed from my score that I was actually a ESFJ.  The main thing that I forgot about myself when I was coming up with my hypothetical personality is that I am a very judge mental person.  To take the personality test go to Personality Test and see if your four letter code matches after the test.

I think that since I know my personality type that it would benefit me in different situations.  When working with students I will be able to be aware of my warm and caring nature for my students when they are in a spot where they want my advice with something.  I do this now with all of my students they are not afraid to come and talk to me if they need something or if they know that they are going to do something that might not be appropriate they ask me for help. To read up on my personality type go to Myers-Briggs.

I can tie in both a group of teachers and group of principals by reflecting on my judge mental side of my personality.  I am very judge mental in that I like to judge people on how they present themselves in front of me and how they react to things that I say as well as how they treat others around me.  I know it is not nice to judge others but that is just how I am and since I know this I am able for the most part not always judging especially when it comes to my colleagues and principals at the school I work at.  I have judged teachers and for the most part I am pretty good judge of character.  To check out my temperament go to Keirsey Temerament.

The standard I would use for this assignment would be standard number five.  I believe this is the closest standard because for standard number five we are continuously trying to improve professional practice, modeling lifelong learning, and exhibit leadership in school and in our community by promoting and demonstrating effective use of digital tools and resources.  I feel this best fits because as teachers we need to know who we are first before we can teach our students.  If we know our personalities then we will be better equipped to teach our students and be able to change certain things we do as teachers that might bother our students.  To find standard number five and the other standards go to NETS ISTE T.

I have also added the link for the personality test, the reading on personality, temperament, and the NETS ISTE T standards.

Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
Link 4

Personality Blog Post #1

My four letter code that I came up with is ESFP.  I agree that the code that I created reflects my personality as a person as well as a teacher.  The main thing that I agree with is that I am outgoing, friendly and accepting of others.  To find your personality go to Myers-Briggs to form a four code that closely relates to who you are as a person.  It is best to read about how Myers-Briggs rates who you are a person before you come up with a four letter code because it might not actually represent who you are unless you read everything first.

My hypothetical temperament is that of an artisan, but I am at the performer level of artisan.  As a performer I am able to delight people around me with my warmth, good humor, with often extraordinary skill in comedy and drama.  I agree with that statement because I am very funny and I do try to keep the people around me entertained as well as in a good mood. I am very social and do try to keep my colleagues from worrying about work all the time and to try and relax and enjoy themselves as well as life. After you have found your four letter code go to Kiersey Temperaments to find out what kind of temperament you have.

The standard I would use for this assignment would be standard number five.  I believe this is the closest standard because for standard number five we are continuously trying to improve professional practice, modeling lifelong learning, and exhibit leadership in school and in our community by promoting and demonstrating effective use of digital tools and resources.  I feel this best fits because as teachers we need to know who we are first before we can teach our students.  If we know our personalities then we will be better equipped to teach our students and be able to change certain things we do as teachers that might bother our students.  To find standard number five and the other standards go to NETS ISTE T

Overall I feel that my four letter code and hypothetical temperament describe me perfectly and this was a cool assignment to work on.  At the bottom I have added the three links that are throughout my blog in this order Myers-Briggs, Kiersey Temperaments, and the NETS ISTE T standards.

Link 1
Link 2
Link 3

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Audacity Podcast 2

The second part of this assignment blog is for me to vent because this assignment took a long time to figure out and was extremely hard.  I did have fun doing this assignment but it took a huge amount of time to finish and I am not used to things taking so long.  This assignment I think bettered me in away that I am now a little more patient with things since this took so long I can't complain when other things don't go quickly went I want them to.  Audacity is awesome so check it out at Audacity download.

I did use another picture to show where I put in a fade out and an echo effect into music.  I didn't label where I put in a fade in within my music for my podcast but it is there.  To listen to it go to rburkhart podcast.  I can honestly say that I am glad this assignment is over because it was so lengthy and I kept changing my mind with what to use within my podcast. I am however, glad that I got to use this cool tech tool and would like to use it with my students as well as my colleagues.  To upload your podcast you should go to Pod Bean its free and it is really easy to use.

I recommend using audacity and pod bean to help publish your own podcast because it is really neat and useful.

I added links for audacity, my podcast, and pod bean at the bottom.


Audacity Podcast 1

Audacity was a really cool tool that I had the opportunity to use.  To be honest it was new to me so it was really hard for a while until I started using our discussion tool for this class and I want to thank everyone that helped me because without you I would not have finished this assignment.  To download audacity go to audacity download.

Audacity is a real cool tech tool that we could use in our classrooms as well as having our students do their own podcast.  This assignment called for a lot of working hours and it took me a while to figure some things out the would later become easier.  I put a picture of some of my podcast to by using jing to show which is a music audio and which wavelength is a voice audio. To upload my podcast I used pod bean which is really neat so if you haven't downloaded this tool you can by going to Pod Bean .

The ISTE NETS standards for this assignment would include standards 1, 3, and 5.  Standard 1 because we are inspiring and facilitating student learning and creativity, standard number 3 because we are modelling digital age work and learning, and standard number 5 because in this assignment we are engaging in professional growth and leadership.  An example of number 1for this assignment would be that we are promoting, supporting, and modeling creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness.  An example of number 3 in this assignment by demonstrating fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations.  An example of number 5 in this assignment by exhibiting leadership by demonstrating a vision of technology infusion.  To find the standards I used  go to ISTE NETS T.

To view my podcast go to rburkhart podcast

The links below are to audacity, pod bean, and my podcast
