Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Data Anayliss/Research Question And Hypothesis

Using the data that we were given I have came up with my research questions, hypothesis, and null hypothesis.

Research Questions:
1. Why are the blog posts more for males than females considering there are fewer males in the class?
2. Why aren't the blog posts more for the females considering there are more females in the class?

1. Males have more blogs even though there a fewer because their millennial age score is lower.
2. Females have less blogs because their millennial age score is higher.

Null Hypothesis:
The Number of discussion postings is not dependent on how many males and females are in the class.

With the data we were  given our age and gender would be considered as the Independent Variables. The Discussion Posts, Millennial Age, Blog Posts, Personality, Fake Quiz, Browser, and Teaching/Non Teaching would be the Dependent Variables.

I got my information by sorting it into two groups; male and female. After I did this I went to each subgroup and found the averages of each of those subgroups.  I wrote down all of the information so that I could formulate my research questions and hypothesis.

Females: 22 total
D posts: 15.64
Mill Age:  72.73
Age: 31.82
B Posts: 15
Personality: = 13.6% for the following personality types/ ISFP, ISFJ, INFP, INFJ, ESFJ
T/ NOT T: 72.73% are teaching
Quiz: 74.59%
Browser: Internet Explorer

Males: 7 total
D. Posts:=16.57
Mill Age: 69.57
Age: 33.29
B Posts: 16.86
Personality: ESFJ = 28.5%
T/NT= 4/7 teaching =57.15%
Quiz: 79%
Browser: S =28.5%
              IE =28.5%
              FF = 28.5%

The standard that best fits this assignment would be standard number 5.  I think it is this standard because we are engaging in professional growth and leadership.  We are also continuously improving professional practice, modeling lifelong learning, and exhibiting leadership in school and professional community by promoting and demonstrating effective use of digital tools and resources.  To see more on this standards and others go to ISTE NETS T.

I have added the ISTE NETS T Link at the bottom.


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