Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Diigo Instructional Technology Part 1

1. The three steps recommended for social bookmarking were to use it for research, keeping up with friends or those people who have the same interests as you do, and it used for knowledge and the ability to share with others on the web.

2. The difference in social bookmarking 2.0 and the previous stage of web bookmarking is that in 2.0 is a more powerful tool that can be used as a research tool as well.  It is also different in that it is a knowledge sharing tool that allows you to highlight things you think are important on a specific web page that you want to share with others to use. Previous web bookmarking did not allow you to do the things that Diigo allows you to share information and knowledge while bringing a community together to learn and grow in their use of technology.

3.  Social bookmarking is a great tool that allows you to save web pages that you believe are useful to not only you but for others as well.  The biggest advantage I have seen so fare with social bookmarking is that you can highlight and add comments while you are reading something from a web page.  Another advantage is that you can tag all the web pages that you feel are important to you and to your teaching style or just research in general.  I call tagging an advantage because I think it is great that you can just check what  I have tagged and you can go directly to what I was reading or researching and it might be something that interests someone else along the line. I found the three answers by watching the Diigo Film that is a tutorial for Diigo social networking.

I feel that social bookmarking follows along with standard one in the ISTE NETS T standards because social bookmarking is all about using research, as teachers we want to engage our students in exploring real world issues and solving authentic problems by using technology tools for research and as resources. Standard one follows along with engaging our students and having them use digital tools that will allow them access to work through real world issues and authentic problems.
As a teacher I can use social bookmarking with my students by adding web pages I feel will help them answer those real world issues and authentic problems that they will encounter throughout their lives. I found my standards through the ISTE NETS T, Course Activities Page , and the

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